@ECHO OFF rem Please set up the path to ghostview/enscript at the :setpath label rem Also select a way for printing at the :printmail label rem Tip: Put an "@" before the print command to avoid Sylpheed's confirmation dialog. :setpaths rem * GSVIEW/GPRINT: full filename/path of GSView applications SET GSVIEW=D:\Ghostgum\gsview\gsview32 SET GPRINT=D:\Ghostgum\gsview\gsprint rem * ENSCR: full filename/path of enscript SET ENSCRP=d:\gw32\bin\enscript rem * TMPPS: intermediate file - ensure that it can be written SET TMPPS=c:\temp.ps :setconfig rem * ENSCFG: enscript formatting options (double '%' in batchfiles!) SET ENSCFG=-b "|%%F|$%%/$=" -M "A4" -X "latin1" -i "1c" -h -f "Courier@9/13" -F "Times-Roman@11" :formatmail rem *** FORMAT MAIL, CONVERT TO PS *** %ENSCRP% %1 %ENSCFG% -p %TMPPS% :printmail rem *** PRINT POSTSCRIPT *** PLEASE CONFIGURE BY [UN]COMMENTING *** rem * copy directly to PS capable printer: "COPY %TMPPS% LPT1:" rem COPY %TMPPS% LPT1: rem * convert from PS and print: "%PRINT% %TMPPS%" rem %PRINT% %TMPPS% rem * convert from PS, show preview, maybe print: "%GSVIEW% %TMPPS%" %GSVIEW% %TMPPS% DEL %TMPPS%